Dindar Öz, “Path planning in the presence of obstacles”, July 27, 2015 (Monday) – Yaşar Üniversitesi

Dindar Öz, “Path planning in the presence of obstacles”, July 27, 2015 (Monday)

Computer Engineering Department Seminar #66:

dindar-oz Title: Path planning in the presence of obstacles
Speaker: Dindar Öz, Tübitak Bilgem
Date: July 27, 2015 (Monday)
Time: 10:30-11:15
Venue: Computer Networks Lab (New building, Level B2.)
Language: English

Abstract: In the safe and efficient management of many processes in maritime transportation, such as path finding under various environmental conditions, with realistic turn constraints of the ships and anchorage planning, the means of computer science are being utilized substantially. My talk will include solutions to the three well-known path finding and planning problems in ship navigation which constitute my PhD study. Those are namely; obstacle neutralization problem, shortest path problem with turn constraints and anchorage optimization problem. For the obstacle neutralization problem, I propose an optimum solution, Exact Penalty Search Algorithm. Secondly, an efficient algorithm, solving turn constrained shortest path problem, is designed and validated on a ship navigation example in ice-covered waters. Finally I will talk about my work on anchorage planning problem which includes presenting novel performance metrics and my anchorage planning strategy.