Armağan Yıldırak, “Pollard’s Rho Attack”, Dec 19, 2017 – Yaşar Üniversitesi

Armağan Yıldırak, “Pollard’s Rho Attack”, Dec 19, 2017

Title: Pollard’s Rho Attack
Speaker: Armağan Yıldırak (MS candidate)
Date: 19.12.2017, Tuesday
Time: 11:00-11:30
Venue: Faculty of Engineering Meeting Room (109)
Abstract: Many cryptosystems could be broken if the discrete logarithm problem and factorization problem could be computed quickly. Many algorithms have been developed to solve these problems. John Pollard has devoloped algorithms for the calculation of discrete logarithm and for the factorization of the large numbers.The purpose of this presentation is to understand the problem of discrete logarithm and factorization and to examine pollard’s rho method.